Looking for a Q mini? Not to worry ... even though it is no longer manufactured and we are out of stock ... Yihi has many other great options! We recommend the G Class or SL Class as a comparable alternative.
Check them out here:
Yihi SX Mini G Class
Yihi SX Mini SL Class
The Yihi Q Mini Class continues the design of its original, but much more compact. This stylish high quality device will be difficult for you to put down. As with all of Yihi's chipsets, this one doesn't disappoint. The Q Class Mini utilizes the SX450JBT chipset that includes Bluetooth 4.0. But the Q Mini's unbelievable power capabilities are not all it has to offer ... it also features temperature control and is made of durable stainless steel and beautiful nickel titanium. It supports SX Pure Technology at its best! The Q mini is powered by a dual 18650 bay and 200w output. This device is definitely one of Yihi's most advanced, delivering remarkable performance to have you continually vaping in style!
IMPORTANT NOTE: We strongly advise using only an external battery charger for recharging the batteries used in your Yihi device. The USB port is not recommended for charging and is not covered under the manufacturer's full one year warranty if loosened due to frequent charge duty. This may also result in an inability to receive and apply firmware updates as well as completely losing the USB charging capability. PLEASE USE AN EXTERNAL BATTERY CHARGER FOR CHARGING THE BATTERIES.
Yihi SXmini